you don’t know how strong or weak people are until you see them
react to a crisis. The same can be said for corporations. A slow
or inappropriate reaction to a critical incident can result in a
variety of repercussions. For one of our clients, an international
airport, the consequences could be extreme. With multi-model transportation
organizations, lives are at stake. For this client, we trained hundreds
of rescue workers and security personnel in the areas of trauma
response and critical incident stress management techniques.
MGM Associates works intensely
and immediately on workplace trauma interventions. Our approach
includes pre-incident educational seminars, on-site defusings, post-incident
debriefings and follow-up referral services. We’ve helped organizations
develop critical incident stress management teams and internal care
teams. Our team of subjectmatter- experts is uniquely positioned
to help your employees recover from traumatic incidents. Losing
an occasional sale to your number one competitor is a normal and
expected part of business.
response, threats of terrorism, and executive protection make
providing security in today’s environment more complex than
at any other point in history. For many companies, maintaining
a full time corporate security presence is simply not an option.
Associates can satisfy all of your security needs through
our Virtual Security Team program. Our security professionals
are diverse in their areas of expertise and bring decades
of field experience to your organization. With one phone call,
we provide the resources you need to address the unique challenges
of today’s work environment. |